sexta-feira, 11 de janeiro de 2019

Onde a luz chama pelo meu nome

relaxo meu corpo em aceitação
não consigo mais exercer perdão
coração inflado de ódio
e nada mais poderei fazer

é meu fim
tive meus dias de sol
mas agora só me cabe aceitar

rancaram tudo de mim
e me impediram de conquistar
sem saber o que é família
sem nunca apoio nenhum
apenas me trancaram
e me abandonaram

não posso mais continuar
não há ninguém com quem contar
somente um destino obscuro à evitar

saio desse inferno
para ir o luz
chama pelo meu nome

clama minha atenção
em sublime resolução

é para lá que devo caminhar

sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018

Untill I die

I will be nothing untill I die
So are saying all the stars
A world that will never look at me
Only untill I die

Should I strive or will come naturally
What will it cost for you to see
My deeds will be known by time
But only after I die it will be mine

Post mortem fame will I achieve
It's okay now for me to believe
Death be my doorway
I don't have more to stay

domingo, 16 de dezembro de 2018

This is the year of my death

This is the year of my death
I feel it
I am seeing the portents

I am ready
I accept my fate

This is the year of my death
The door of my room has told me
The floor under my feet is warning
The feeling in my chest is screeming

This is the year of my death

That stars had me foretold
No more what foresee

No more to feel
No more to live

I was, just an instruments from the skies
For you to project your shadow
And see your self
This is the year of my death

They used me to pay the price for their sins
Life, just a endless torment
I don't have to stay anymore
This is the year of death

Me, just an wanderer
Aimless drifting
Despising the values you proliferate
Seem all these old living stories
Manifesting through a society I despise

But no more
This is the year of my death
I will be standing in both feet
In the time
Of my death

This is the year of my death
Finally reaching the end of this journey
I see the light
It's coming to me

My time is now

Dirge of Thanatos

dug my own grave
with my own acts
my own path
my own death

grey all I see
nothing more to be
I am leaving this place
I've lost the race

I want nothing
I've stopped running
neither sadness inside me
all the way I am unfree

all I would to die this night
leave this world surrender the fight
cut my in pieces break my shell
nothing more to do nothing to tell

I've carved in failures
building all regrets
feel no more pleasures
I have nothing more to get

quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2018

Todos os homens são santos

Se viveu diferente do que esperar
Mas amou qualquer ao seu olhar 
Tentou, lutou, falhou, venceu, caiu e morreu
Quem vai dizer o que sobre o caminho teu?

Promete, cumpre, mente e chora
Mas de vontade vive pelo o que implora
A razão diz mas a carne aflora
Batalha constante que vive toda a hora

Roubou, matou, fracassou ou errou
Nunca omitir a verdade que sou
Clamou por Deus, pelos filhos teus 
Batendo no peito dizendo “sou eu”

Já morri de pé pela minha fé 
Já corri errante pelo meu semblante
Sempre avante não importa o que aconteça 
Mesmo que por você eu perca a cabeça

Minha musa amada
Descasquei tuas camadas 
De prazer e dor gemeu
Apenas para me chamar de teu

E lutando minha rotina vivi
O dia que passou absorvi
Se bebi ou usei
O que sinto apenas eu sei

Implora para morrer
Sem mais sofrimento a ver
Ter o que segura na mão
O que te sufoca o sermão

Libera na rima
Tua chaga, tua sina
Libera na lágrima 
Teu suor, tua ira

Se te força a dizer
Espremendo o teu ser
Se no dilema se enfia
É o sofrer que te afia

A luz do Sol ilumina
Uma verdade muito fina
Que descobri jogada pelos cantos
Todos os homens são santos.

domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2018

even if I die

I am done.
It's over for me...

Even if I am the only one...

People struggling through the day faking out a happy life in social media, pleading attention without a vain chance of connection, while my computer desperately try to hook me into a larger penis or whatever the algorithm from the browser says I like. Animals video doing funny stuff to cover the absurd of facism that is covering our country, like a ghost blank dictating our way of thinking and making us point our asses towards the new president.
Like rays of a light a few people conscious of themselves try to make the world a better place in the right way. Bettering themselves.
But they are few...
Most common to see masks talking about masks trying to make a better mask trying to hide the self.
I see through the veil. The fear, the guilt, the shame. Primordial sin still running in their blood. They are still paying the price for Eve's apple.
They are blaming the devil for their own acts...
Are we the same as the ancient?
I don't want to use the word "stupid' or "fool", but don't know what else to call it.
Human is just a lost animal. A sad animal claiming divinity through workship.
This create a chain reaction called hierarchy. The higher you are in the steps, the better for you.
Doing this by obeing orders of others striping the weight of responsability for theirs acts is just a cherry over the cake.
People want to be hipnotized. They are craving for someone to tell them what to do. They want to be right. Everybody needs to be morally clean.
They need to deserve.

I don't want to be part of it. I am NOT a part of it. Even if it coast my life.
I payed any price to belong to myself.

Even if I am all alone.

Even if I am the only one...