quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

To Call Beloved

para Angélica

My arms, your peace
"Not only flowers is love"
How can you teach me this easy?
Chosen you to call beloved

terça-feira, 30 de outubro de 2012

Follow Your Intuition

Feeling that pull
That pushes you to unknown
Attraction to somewhere else
Always a gift from

Over the mountain top
I see the big scheme
So trust me
My friend

Get used to me
To always know
Where to go

Get along with me
To know yourself
Presenting you to yourself

Be one with
Feel me inside your head
Follow your intuition
Overcome yourself

segunda-feira, 29 de outubro de 2012

Anestesiado, despedaçado e amedrontado.

Tracei de volta meu inferno
O que levou meus sentidos anestesiados
Bloqueado do mundo externo
Estava despedaçado e amedrontado

E ficava o tempo todo
Tirando esses demônios
Para fora de minha cabeça

Ficava repetindo o método
Encarando os demônios
Fora de minha cabeça

E isso me fez querer
Estar sozinho
Eu merecer
Uma vida solitária

terça-feira, 23 de outubro de 2012


Olharam para mim
Mas observaram
As marcas em minha roupa
Olharam para o próximo
Caído na calçada
E desviaram o olhar
Como divididos
Olharam para a televisão
Ficaram putos
Ficaram felizes
Ficaram encantados
Por lá ficaram
Com aquilo que importa
Quiseram mais que o vizinho
Gaiolas de ouro para si mesmos
Com papel na mão
Comida na boca
E nenhuma alma

sexta-feira, 19 de outubro de 2012

Fraternity Of Chaos

Born to torn
Madness chaos
Noise of explosions
Hitting my bones

Ancient shockwaves
Passing through me
Demons rising
In this hell sunset

Soldier vessel vest
Used to despair
Killing themselves

Poor victims falling
Facing death
Passed existence
Facing survival

Conciousness guide us
Fraternity of chaos
Stepping in this natural state
Fraternity of chaos

We the ones who will
The pin-hole of everything

What will be the fruits from you?
Come to us to paradise

quarta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2012


Time repeat itself across itself
Intertwine spiral spinning
Floating arround us
And inside it

And someday it will shine
Pooring down over us all
Crystal waterfall
As old ones
Would say

segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2012


Laughing sideways arised
From the sunset morning
Lay soon above
In front of my own gate
Texture of softness
Breathing energy arround
Wondered with all
The all

sábado, 13 de outubro de 2012


Hoje aprendi algo novo
Como todos os dias deveriam ser
Todos nós sempre merecemos o todo
Todos os mares à beber
E tudo sempre foi nosso
Asfalto grama carne e ossos
A terra nunca foi de ninguém
Temos de obedecer à quem?
Enfim o fim da ganância

segunda-feira, 8 de outubro de 2012

domingo, 7 de outubro de 2012

I Don't Want Your Persona

It's just a surface
Where is your grace?
Why are you hiding inside?

See, you are safe here
As always were
So show me the self

All Day Long With You

Sometimes we meet under the sun
And wait it turn into night
Holding each other
Into warm arms

We softly breath together
Softly fall asleep
Softly dream together
And everything is possible

My partner in this
My love for life
My little confort chamber

So I dedicate for you
Love lessons I've learned
To bring you smiles

All day long with you

sábado, 6 de outubro de 2012

End Road

Theres is a road we should walk alone
Once we get there we can rest on our throne
Paved with my own flesh and bones
Carved in my body like stones
Every begin has and ending
And we all should stop this pretending

sexta-feira, 5 de outubro de 2012

We all know that feeling
Running in circles
Arround ourselves
The same always
Little diference

Self Proclaimed Guardian Of Status Quo (Here's A Cookie)

So in control, obey
Done all parents told
As done in school too
Follow the lines
Already writen
By others
And you will be safe
Licking the ass of your boss
Taking shit from your goverment
Claimming freedom
Claimming a good life
While they all tell what to do
What to love
What to feel
And who will you stand for
Sold and controlled
Innofensive and
Oh, so good boy
Give me the paw!
Play dead!
Here's a cookie!


Exchanging information
For perfection achievement
Storage deatails decoded

Compressed as possible
Inside us all
Writen for the ones
Who will come
To see what we were
Once we all be gone

Emptiness II

Inside us
All arround
It's just empty space

Cabeça Oca

às vezes nos perguntamos
como diabos iremos sobreviver essa noite?
ás vezes deixo descer pela garganta
negro e gelado, ainda doce
como sair dessa sem sorrir?
sem gostar

e com sua faca em minhas costas
querida, eu danço com a noite
sinto o mesmo
te vendo dançar
ou olhando para a lua

estamos flutuando juntos
com seu gosto em minha boca
minha pele
estamos livres juntos
presos juntos
estou só

erros farreando em mim
com seu gosto em minha boca
minha pele
estou perdido
dentro de minha cabeça oca

Awake Now

I was suffering
And It was so hard to
But now I can see clearly
And even now
Don't know what changed

Then things start to sparkle
And somehow I can feel you
In a way I've never before
You all somehow fulfilled my life

Seems like half of it
Was just a bad dream
Wich I'm AWAKE now

Seems like I've died
To other dream
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