segunda-feira, 23 de maio de 2016

That kind of man...

Been through the serenade under full moon
That kind of night to don't return home too soon
I wasn't hoping but I felt the blues
Melting inside me, starting a fuzz
Oh that mess! Oh what I miss!
Wonder, still feeling incomplete

Teach something about me, baby
Tell me of me, honey
What you see in me, darling
Without you I realize
What is gonna be my price
My heart still on ice

Wonder still I feel the need
Oh about your kiss, Oh what I miss
I can tell about you darling
Teach about you honey
What I see you baby
Cus' without you I've realized
I'm that kind of man
Who needs a woman by his side


To the edge
Against my borderline
My fantasy
Contining tragedy
We can say it's fine
Trying to make you mine

Cracks in me
Breaks into liberty
Self seen as travesty

Not your fault
Lips taste of salt
Through the cracks
In the shell
Of your been
All I see
Is majesty

sábado, 14 de maio de 2016

Babysitting a God

Don't think too hard and feel the flow
Don't keep looking for only what's glow
If you don't learn now it will comes later
Don't blame other because you are your's only fater

Be careful the reality you create
Accept everuthing as is, there is no late
Nor wrong, nor right, nor fail even with time
There isn't a thing you can't call "mine"

Mind as universe but there is above
There is what there is, and there is only love
Paradigm can be easily broken through perspective
Motion in a direction be always active

Too much emotion, and you are projecting
Calm down and breath slowly if you are reacting
Planning is good but follow you heart
The greater you, you are already a part

Openning The Pandora's Box

Demons are flowing through me
All these feelings to see
The expression changes, is it me?
Parts of me I don't want to see

Hurted, it hurts, hurt me more
I need to expose my core
What have I hiden behind the veil
Known all myself from head to tail

Pain! Pain! It's all my fault!
All I've done to cut it out
Okay! I recognize, it's myself
Memory and feeling lost in the shelf

Rage! For all I've forgotten
The strive for me to choke them
But to hide no more what I feel
When is it gonna over? I need a chill


Shame! For my... Oh, so lame
After that never the same
Retained! Kept only for me
For too long the expression of me

Behold! Behold! Free what I held
To feel again what I felt
Again, it's me on the floor
As I release me through the door

No more shattered and torn
Through the ashes of me
Through new eyes I see
Survived the cleansing
This is my new form

HOPE and faith
I surrender myself
I let the river take me away
To live again anew me

terça-feira, 3 de maio de 2016

The Imaginal Cell

Falling apart all around
Is falling apart
I am singing
The world we live on is falling apart
In front of me
In front of you
Falling apart
I dance
In a world
That's falling apart..

To balance what is me
To care for what I see
To change for something better
A world we all would rather...

Disolve and transmute
Folowing notes of the flute
Nature is constant playing
To answer your vain praying

Every fall follows a rise
We still can build a paradise
Not a wave but the entire tide
A cause worthy of fighting

Feed Your Enemy

Talk with your dog
Bound with plants
Pet a rock
Feed your enemy

Living through the fog
Humnas marching like ants
To keep their stock in score
Story repeting already told before

Change or die will come soon
For these seeds spread to bloom
For those who said it will
To share what my heart feels

segunda-feira, 2 de maio de 2016

The Deneb Kaitos' Curse

Pressure my rage
Contain my wrath

Untill I explode
Into thousand parts of me

Destruction, I am the eruption
Elation untill the rupture
I causing the rapture

My extreme acts of violence
Into the flames of all I love I dance
As I still keep my stance

KILL! KILL! Kill them all!
Covered in blood that spills on the wall
The crash you hear it's my call
This is me pushing the final

Contato Visual

Bate, pro lado, para baixo
Percebe tão bem como disfarço
Arrisco então mais uma vez
Arisco, perdão, como que fez?
No momento percebe o clima
Em um "oi" construo a liga
Contente recebe por cima
Se foi, recuo em instiga
Mais uma, talvez, uma chance
Mas rápido apenas de relance
Seria coragem o que nos falta?
Comum, seria atitude alta?
Encara com olhar disposto
Isso é um sorriso brotando em seu rosto?
Partiu sem nada a dizer
Mas para ambos foi um prazer
Não prometo entender seus porquês
Mas quero ouvir o que você fez
Para poder sentir o que você disse
Num piscar rápido, olhos tão tristes
Entendo tabu que tanto diz
Mas não foi esse mundo que quis
Então me encara, profundo, penetra
Tudo que há entre nós essa reta
Difuso dissolvo contigo
Confuso resolvo e sigo
Procuro teu olhar mais uma vez
Para sentir de novo nossa nudez