sábado, 22 de fevereiro de 2014

It's Okay

When I can hear the silence
Whispering me his secrets
I know
There's something more
Beyond the gates
We all stare
The point of no return
Which I shall now cross
To begin this journey
To experience
What an awakening really means
Everytime I've died
To short the process
To align myself into this
Accelerated speed of
Unstuck time and space
It's okay
I shall be washed away
It's okay
My old self dies
It's okay
Constant change
It's okay
To be fully just human
And that's okay
For me
For us all
With grace I smile
With pride I stand
With power I transform
With peace I die
With love I live this life
And it's okay
If with love I live this life
Yet letting it die
Living this life

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