quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013


Cell of this big being
Breathing in, breathing out
Born, live, die again and again
Together we pulse
Brothers and sisters aren't seen
Locked in the box they're out
Obey, consume, die, repeat no pain
But never felt the Earth pulse


Inner home of peace
Where I rest
Lay down to sleep
Where I stand

As a vessel
Carrying light and dreams
Spreading values I believe
In silence I know

Get rid of my past
No longer waiting a future
Hold my place in now

Present state as self
Guiding force I live in
The universe deep within

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

And The Dust Dies

Double helicoidal spiral ciclical
Almost lethal cilindrical cinical
We did it proposital
This chance is eternal

Yet aiming black ties
Caviar credits whatever to call mine
Weak, a mind so fragile
Dry dying for your lifestyle

From dust to dust to dust again
Unbound pleasure yet pain
Forever now we were thrown

Exploding star we came from
Sure that nothing will remain
We all already wear a crown

...and our kingdom is already paradise

quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013

And The Dust Plays

It's funny all the games people play
How does one look tells me anyway
Almost sufocating me
Yet liberating me

These words will always be in my head
Teaching me, guiding me, time to go to bed
Strange, we are almost alone
Yet together over the throne

Them all come, no time to sorrow
From the dust of Earth you borrow
Ours living confuses you

And into my chest it will blow
All over my body kingdom and crown
Will be there even when one refuses to listen

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013


Aren't you feeling it time is running faster
Don't be afraid to find your master
Fight against the enemy inside you
Cause soon they all will be near you
Transform your heart right from the core
Find the cure right for your sore
Prepare your soul for a long travel
Rebuild this world for no more battles

The Ending

From the ashes of the past
Words always last
In my ending
Everything you will ever see
You will ever be
Everyone of you
Will become poetry



Helping hand for my inner search
Would you become a lurch
For once warm in your arms
Breaking distance between me and Mars

Whirlwind of violent thoughts
Finding in me a silent across
Beauty you make out of my mind
Thought I was on the same kind

Maybe now I have ten thousand years
Also wanting to rip off your fears
Unlocking me the way to the otherside

Will I miss your sweet lips
Always waiting for the next eclipse
Mountouk no more as rendezvous

sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013


It's funny how everything comes and goes
How they test us from times to times
The dragon always swim on the same lake
And you must be diferent
Feed the right wolf
It's funny how the center flows
And the 


[I - What can be done with ashes]

[II - Always a new point of view]

Make Me An Enemy

I can look into your eyes
And lie
I can play with your heart
As feel I've been played

What you think you can to do me
I know, I've played it too
Lived a long time into this
All the fun and games

Can't cheat with me
Cus' I'm inside you
I've been there too

Everytime you try
You will fall into
A trap you
Prepare to yourself

Can't cheat with me
Cus' I'm not the toy
All they are

Don't make an enemy
Bigger than you
Don't hurt what you can't kill

Inside you I know
Every movement you will do
I've done to
Inside you I know
You wanna hate me
Make me an enemy

sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013

Living Wild

Sometimes we define something as radical resolution
Like some easy solution
We fall into traps we prepare to ourselve
But you know
From times to times we should step back
From times to times we need to go back one step
Think a little slower
And higher
Sometimes we fall into traps we prepare to ourselves
And they put us in betray
They test us brothá
Like demons wanting your soul
A piece of your flesh
Living wild means
Be present
And the world will simply appears to you
To make your moves
To do what you have to
Living wild means
Believe in our own way
Be your own

Stronger and Gone

So you made me come to this
A cold heart with all defenses
Cus your words
Were just hurting me
Making me bleed inside
I can feel your hate in your heart
Pointed to me wanting me to go
You made me hide inside
And fill myself with your pain
Cus' maybe my laugh bothers you
Maybe you can't want me happy
So you made me come to this
Stronger I smile and laugh
But don't care about a SHIT you say
You killed that me you used to know
Now no words will be heard nevermore
For you I'm gone


Seguir teus conselhos me guiaram para longe
E nem lembro mais onde estava antes
Sempre procurando algo que nunca soube
Mas sempre encontrando além do horizonte

Todas as vezes que você me diz
"É para isso que você está vivo"
Todas as vezes que você me guia
"Vai haver um motivo, você encontrará"

Agora posso sentir o presente que nos foi dado
Ouvindo tua voz falando com meu coração
Seguindo tua trilha hoje estou livre
Ser seu próprio líder meu caminho não mais bloqueado

Todas as vezes que você me diz
 "Vá em frente que você aprenderá"
Todas as vezes que você me guia
"Não há nada fora de ti e cada um que você encontrar
Cada pele que tocar, todos os olhares cruzados
Eu e você estaremos lá"

quinta-feira, 14 de fevereiro de 2013

Era uma vez de uma vez por todas
Anexo, desnexo, desconexo



Uma vez soube para onde ir
O caminho claro à minha frente
Houve um eu que sempre soube
E agora não consigo achá-lo

Uma vez no passado eu era
Destemido e bravo
Forjado em honra e orgulho
De pé sobre chamas

Mas as armadilhas dessa longa caminhada
Os golpes de ódio de almas machucadas
Sofrendo buscando por luz e por ar
Macularam minha pura essência

Então cá estou
Quebrado, perdido, cansado
Perdendo à mim mesmo

Então cá estou
Sozinho brigando contra minhas sombras
Tentando me esconder

Uma vez caminhei no vale
Colhi frutas de árvores de minha casa
Ouvindo o pulsar de todos emanando
Em meus pés na grama

Uma vez antes eu podia
Tudo e qualquer coisa
E agora te peço de volta
Me devolva a mim mesmo


Unveil the truth behind all illusions
Our apocalypse together
So we will see clearly
Our connection
As one

Into your heart
See me
We are the same
Unveil your mind
Open up
Walk with me
Wake up

Unveil me
Show me
All the bounds between us
All the wheels inside our soul
The light shinning over us

Into our heart
See yourself
We are all
Unveil your mind
Open up
Walk along with me
Wake up

quarta-feira, 13 de fevereiro de 2013

Love your own free way

Was alone on the top of the stone
I've climbed with my own hands
My wounded foot by the sand
Infinite sea in front of me
Forest of mountain range behind me

With all my life
Burning in my chest 
So many ways to follow

Salt water over my body
So floating over the highness of the Earth
Running through eyes 
Searching the one who says
"You are not alone"

People means nothing more to me
Maybe you are loosing your connection
You can't put them all in your heart
Can you imagine how hard?

From far I can feel your desires
Your filthy intention over me
Demons fighting inside your head
For a land I achievied alone

Only a question of vibration
Always a matter of time

Alone in the dark still see you
Smiling that way getting me speechless
Dust and stones learning to love
My blood dropping in the sea

Here my scream is the scream of everybody
Guilty for been the same as you all
Under the mountain
We all are small and fragile
I can't smile with you

In the middle of everything chaos
Stumbling in life's dark hallway
A place to call home
Finding the same as you

In my past arms
Holding like present
Answering all my question
"Love you own free way"


Acordei e sai para uma volta
Minha cabeça estava diferente 
Sem passado nem futuro
Apenas o presente

Sinais pela rua me diziam mais
E me arrepiei ao passar sob uma árvore
Cachorros latiram amigavelmente
O gato da vizinha me encarou profundamente

De longe as pessoas viraram de costas para me ver
De alguma forma podia senti-las como nunca antes
Como um plano adicional que sempre esteve lá
Mas nunca paramos para reparar

Diferente de tudo que havia vivido
Ainda vivendo o mesmo que antes
Passado e futuro cortados de mim
E agora me encontro presente

Ame do seu próprio modo

Estava sozinho no alto da pedra
Que escalei com minhas mãos
Meus pés machucados da areia
O mar infinito a minha frente
E a mata da serra as minhas costas

Com minha vida toda
Queimam em meu peito
Caminhos a percorrer

Água salgada em meu corpo
Então flutuando sobre a grandeza da Terra
Correndo entre olhares
Procurando aquele que me diz
"Você não está sozinho"

As pessoas não significam mais nada
Talvez você esteja perdendo a conexão
Você não pode colocá-los em seu coração
Você pode imaginar o quão difícil?

E de longe posso sentir seus desejos
Suas intenções nojentas sobre mim
Os demônios lutando em sua mente
Por um pedaço do que conquistei sozinho

É só uma questão de vibração
É sempre uma questão de tempo

Sozinho no escuro ainda te vejo
Sorrindo do modo que me deixa sem ar
Pó e poeira aprendendo a amar
Meu sangue no mar em gotejo

Aqui meu grito é o grito de todos
Culpa por ser o mesmo que vocês
Sob a montanha
Somos todos pequenos e frágeis
Não posso sorrir com vocês

E no meio do caos de tudo
Trombando no corredor escuro da vida
Um lugar para chamar de lar
Encontrar os mesmos que você

E nos braços de seu passado
Agarrado como um presente
Num grito
Respondendo todas as minhas perguntas
"Ame do seu próprio modo"

quinta-feira, 7 de fevereiro de 2013

Cus now I have my both hands tied together
Can do nothing but see and feel
But get clearer what I must do
As I feel my chest explode in you


Noite e dia
O verso clichê
De todo o sempre
E nunca
Doce e salgado
Teus lábios, teu corpo
Em meu peito calor
Em minha mente
Frio ardor
Norte e sul
Em movimento
Eu e você
Calar repulsão
Criar atração

quarta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2013


It's burning inside of me
Like it was supose to be
Feeling flames of
Rises from the core
Of my humanity

Ascension and evolution
Blocked from our
Older brothers
All who is profiting
Yet losing theis souls

This is personal for all of us
It is inside of all of us
Untill we all wake up
Shall bright in the end
Of this dark hallway


segunda-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2013

Radical Openess

Blocked nobody can't go on
Watch in the eyes of your fear
And let it go

You deserve it
As everyone does
Let it go

Learning isn't confortable
To anyone
Let it go

Expose yourself
Open your heart
The way you must follow through
Let it go

We have to face our true

You must see
No diference between you and me

Understand it all
Realease it all and let it go

Same As Me

Scrathing my forehead
All this strange sensation
Telling me what to do

Poking me into the heart
As they pass by my side
All these hurted souls

Hurting my mind
Feeling the flow
Arround us all

Seeing all the conections
Bounding the world
Making my olds
Making me
Making my way

All the God laws
About who we are
Just thriving in my head

All the fear is gone
Guilty no more
No shame on me
No sorrow in my heart
No more lies
We are all one
Learned to let go
What makes me with you

Open up
And allow me be

Maybe you are the same as me
We see things they will never see
Now you know you are
The same as me
You are the same as me
You are the same as me
You all are the same as me
We all are the same

Same As Me



Maybe you are the same as me
We see things they will never see

Same As Me


Maybe you are the same as me
We see things they will never see