segunda-feira, 30 de abril de 2012

Gnomos haviam roubado, só podia ter sido. Não há muitos lugares onde dá para esconder as coisas no meu quarto, e eu mesmo não havia escondido. Pelo menos não lembrava de ter escondido. E definitivamente eu não havia levado aquilo para fora do quarto, só enrolo baseados lá dentro.
Onde diabos estariam os meus papéis de seda? Havia procurado no chão, dentro de cada gaveta do armário, dentro de blusas, de minha bolsa, debaixo da cama, embaixo do computador, dentro dos cadernos, no meio dos papéis, dentro da carteira, dentro do violão, das caixas de sapato.
Nada... A caixinha com papéis de seda havia sumido. Eu teria de ir comprar outra pela manhã.

domingo, 29 de abril de 2012

Hierarchy Class

Underneath the surface
Under the layer of softness
There is a root rotten
Wich we all suck

Nature of our own tree
Killing machine we've done

Into The Box

We are told since earlier we should obey
Following the programming, as it is stay

They say the words came from God
I see old men with theirs old odds

All seems non sense if television tells me the truth
Prescrition drugs will help you to feel completely full

If will let the world or society tells what you are
And find your own soul full of scars

sábado, 28 de abril de 2012


We are just a little piece of what we will never fully understand
Higher natural order
Pulsing as we breath in, breath out
We, just a little chain inside this
There is no punishment
Not reward
No judges
It don't love
Not even hate
It don't care at all
It just is
As we do

Holdless child

sexta-feira, 27 de abril de 2012

Dreaming Wide Awake

Is this a memory
crossing flashes of your face
Then you smile
And I don't know
If I stay here or go

I left you last night
And now you are here

Filled the empty space
right in front of me

And I can't let you go
Don't want you to go
You are what I hold on
Making me dream

Dreaming wide awake
About you
Wide awake open eyes
And you are here

Vozes 2

Apaixonado e sonhador
Estilhaço portas de vidro
Para você poder me ouvir

Perceber que era você
Quem minha voz chamava

terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2012


Às vezes elas chamam meu nome
Às vezes elas não dizem nada
Alguns disseram que estão para me ajudar
Outros disseram que estou apenas alucinando
No meio das pessoas elas gritam
"Que bonito!", "Estou atrasado", "Olhar triste"
Na multidão em silencio elas ficam repetindo
"Vá embora!", "Fique mais um pouco!"
"Amor, eu vou cuidar de você"
"Cuidado por onde anda, meu caro amigo"
E correndo entre as estações de rádio
Ouço vozes ao meu lado
Correndo entre mentes
Me falando e aconselhando
Me ameaçando e destruindo
Vozes me dizendo como me sentir
Vozes me dizendo o que fazer
"Você é tão diferente
Não deveria estar no meio deles"
"Não de um sorriso agora"
Irei esfaquear minhas próprias costas ouvindo essas vozes?
Vozes disseram que elas me levarão ao fundo do poço
Elas mesmas me disseram para não confiar nelas
"Não há um vidente em sua mente"
Então não sei se isso é real
Como a educação que me deram
As crenças que construíram aqui dentro
E se meu coração estiver transbordando?
Com a minha mente cheia de pequenos vácuos
Deveria me voltar a Deus?
Confiar em meu governo?
As pessoas ao meu redor estão amando o suficiente?
"Filho, você não pode salvar todos eles!"
"Você nunca se importou de qualquer modo"
E se sempre for tarde demais para mim?
Como caminharei sobre esse mundo?
Confiar novamente
Se não há uma salvação para fora de mim


Been alone since was born
Never had a helping hand
Nobody teach me how
Walk in the land

Parents for show
Never carrying me
Not a trace of family

domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Desconstruct the process

Back to basics,

Only connections, causality
Point one, to two, to three


Fly free
Mind free
Calm down and think
Slowly get the big scheme
Hit by hit
Guided by peace


My friend
Is always with me
Never let me alone
My company, are you killing me?

Smoke fills me
Some seconds
I will be with you

Numb my senses
Drown me into nothing

Pills (Antidepressant Dance)

White circle means how
I let my life in a fluffy cloud

Found my hapiness
In the little blue
Nothing is what I got to do

Prescrition drugs they throw to me
Close my mind
A reallity I don't wanna see

Fear It

Gonna get me
Always behind me

And comming to me
Known it's only me

Valley Of The Night

para Angélica

Sitted down under her
Moonlight over me
Waiting always for the stars
Night saying I'm with you

Night where we play
All long we stay
Lie down among arms
Sleeping waiting the sunrise

Through the valley of the night
Scent and laugh, heartbeats and breath
She come to me

Under the spot of moonlight
Where I find her
Moon, I wish through the sun

Dead Sea

This is where it starts again

Junk over junk, layer by layer
Creating itself
Aleatory order from chaos
From death we born
From dust we came

Ghost Ship

Nobody can reach it there
Ancient wisdom, nowdays myth
Memories and stories

Some from love
Some from pain

Nobody will ever reach me there
Don't you ask me for stay

It's only out of here, far away

Sinking Ship

Fated to sink
We get on board

Big blue ocean will drown us
Fall into deep again
Stolen my confidence
In you

Outside we navigate these waters
Pull you away from me

Making my heart sunk alone

Cus I'm with her

Flying arround without wings
As breathing into deep waters
Just writting poetry
From the fountain drinking love
No problem to face the day
Nothing will scarry me away
Anything I can do
Cus I'm with her
Can change the world
Cus I'm with her
Meeting God all day long
Cus I'm with her
Making smiles all the way
Just because I'm with her

sábado, 21 de abril de 2012

Own White Wall

Gray sky cry
Washin sorrow from the stones
Black and white
Of pain and sadness
Flowing them away
In peace silence
Yet this weigh in my chest
About their death be my death
Realising their's stone
Means one day my stone

It's me who will go
Care about it means nothing

What we are fades away
Only letting memories to the ones you loved
Letting only feelings in others hearts

Therapy session

Count on me
here you can share your deepest fears
Talk to me
I will help you through this

Maze is not an way of life
These little holes in your mind
Nodes in your soul

Cleaning the stained lake
Letting it all come to you
Cus you can face it
Fill it all again
Breath alive again

Apathic Weak

Staring nothing again
Absence crisis
Apathy has often bothering me
had to kill then all inside of me to survive
Now I see them outside and don't know what to do
They seem to wake an old version of me
Old self I don't wanna be

Relax, calm down, breath in
Peace, silence, breath out
Blank, and fade away

Making enemies again
All the same
Complaining over my ears
Their stress over me
I'm weak to care about
Easier to shut you out
Don't blame me for this

Trash on me

Who cares anyway?
If you dont stop cus nobody will
Well whatever

I don't care anyway
Go ahead, trash it all
I will be just the same
Under the garbage
Yet saying "no"

Go ahead running against yourself
In circles, like always
I have read about us
All the time

Born, live, death, repeat
Eating itself to keep alive

We are under this
Inside this, doing this

Breathing in, breathing out

sexta-feira, 20 de abril de 2012


Do mar os olhos me encaram
Respostas querendo de mim

"Entre, sente-se. Vamos conversar." respondo

...então eles baixam os olhares para o chão

quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2012

Dying (of love)

Don't hold in nothing
Gently waves passes gently through me
Floating under the sun
Of been with you

Resting over the calm this gives to me
Knowing inside this is where I belong
It scapes from my body up and down
Flying over the field as meltdown on the floor

Bringing the shine through me
Breaks my chest apart and go away
As it goes myself
Bothing flowing
Dying of love

Sobre Ombros de Gigantes

Por todos os feitos de gigantes por nós
Eu vou resistir
Através do campo de estupidez
O lixo de nossa era

Pelos feitos de Albert
Eu corro através disso
Espalhando a mensagem para o meu povo

Campo de guerra econômico
Real por real a arma está carregada
Roubando dos pobres
Matando os que já estão mortos
Por inanição
Nossas magras crianças
Nossas irmãos no palco

Sociedade doente criando
Produtos sócio-históricos doentes

Comida tóxica pílulas infectadas
Daqueles que comandam sobre as colinas
Poluição de todos os tipos
Em todo lugar

Isaac pensou sobre isso também
Os mesmos, as mesmas coisas
Carl e Karl me ajudarão a entender
Trazendo sol eterno para nossas vidas

Mentes brilhantes dentro de um jogo
Lavando pratos dentro de suas próprias máquinas
Sonhos humanos puros
Fazendo lavagem cerebral caseira

Aquele que estiver com medo, pegue minha mão
Posso te mostrar que tudo é você
Aqui onde nos estamos, o que nos somos
O tempo é sempre agora
Abra seus olhos

Sholders of Giants

For all giants done for us
I will stand
Across the stupity field
Our garbage age

For Albert's done
I run through this
Spreading the message to people

Economic warfare
Dollar by dollar the gun is loaded
Stealing from the poor
Killing the already dead ones
From starvation
Our little skinny child
Our brother over the stage

Sick society creating
Sick sociohistorical products

Toxic food infected pills
From those who command over the hill
Pollution of everykind

Isaac though about it too
Same ones same things
Carl & Karl will help me understand it
Bringing eternal sun to our lifes

Shinning minds in a game
Washing plates inside their on machine
Pure human dreams
Home-made brainwashing themselves

Afraid one, take my hand
I can show that it is all you
Here where we are, what we are
The time is always now
Open your eyes

quarta-feira, 4 de abril de 2012

Still is wrong to make science become another god


I've done
Built I good enough for you
Overcome my vanity and let you see
Let it all come

Cus I can be right
Some will sure like it
And maybe we can get nearer

And we can change all this
And we can standstill
Can we show some kind of truth
About it all
About now

Help the blind
Open the gates for their minds

And we can see
All this control still full of fear
All you know is just building walls
Brick by brick around you

Love us e let us come to you
Cus after all is what we gonna do