domingo, 19 de janeiro de 2014

The Source

It shines from within
Inside us all
This might bright force
Pure will to experience and learn
We've been this all the time
Forever rising from within

And I let it come to me
Bringing light to the shadow of me
The most horrifying moments of my life
I hear my inner child crying in desperation
Hurt with so many scars from the past
So I embrace this little me
And let it master myself
Cus I know it has always been there for me
As I am now for him

And with my arms I embrace Earth
Letting it, my true mother show me my way
To enjoy all it's gifts, all of her unconditional love
We are one with this powerful being
And all of her wishes are well been and joy
For you and her

My past is not what it was before
My ego has died with my old identity
My own history has not control over my actions
Now I can see myself clearer
Present where and when I am
Living eternally in the moment

All the people arround me
A chance for me to show my love
To guide and be guided in peace
Everyone has become my teachers
Everyone has become my students
Masters everywhere waiting for me
To say their's sweet words
And to transform my world

I've lost everything to gain everything
No more fear of dying
I've already been there so many times before
So now I can feel this unconditional love
Live in peace with my inner self
Connected and grounded
Letting go and loving myself
My fellows, my life
I embrace them all
And we can together say
"We are"

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